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Ship - Cargo Ship

Ship simulation:

Ship simulation using 3D technology combined with the simulation of control equipment, equipment on board. Programming controls the devices, and that ship will be very helpful. Completion of the simulations will help with ship repair training. Machine mechanics, electricians, employees who operate other sewing equipment. Ship simulation is an important first step for innovative training or practice.

Ship driver training simulation system:

Sailors and staff on a ship perform a different task. All will be put together to create a crew that works smoothly. To master it requires a process of practice, practice of manipulation. As well as operation, communication as well as troubleshooting.

To achieve it is necessary to practice and manipulate that practical conditions on the train are almost impossible. First, there are no conditions to arrange ships for training. The second is a very costly train operation. Other factors and conditions are difficult to meet. Building simulation systems using 3D simulation technology. VR technology is the perfect solution. It meets the requirements as well as saves time and costs.

Marine cargo ship simulation system and Xa Lam:

Similar to the above, cargo train simulation systems and bar beam simulations are for the same purpose. There are also specialized ships such as oil tankers, chemical tankers … can deploy 3D simulation labs for training purposes. In the Army and Coast Guard Ship and service ship simulation is also a digital transformation solution in training, creating ideal practice models and laboratories to meet training objectives.

Increase the time to approach, practice many times, the manipulation will be proficient. If trained regularly, the water skills will be very good. The handling and handling of situations are also better thanks to the learning of more diverse situations. Simulation and virtual reality are the trends for shipbuilding training in general. Train sailors, mechanics, electricians, pilots and other crews on board.